
I am simply writing this to add some sort of opinion of the game onto the wiki and to throw my opinion out to the world for discussion. I am, in no way, trying to represent the wiki through this review and am simply voicing my opinion.

When I bought RAGE in November I knew little about it. I only knew that my brother bought it and enjoyed it, so I decided to buy it at the currently (at the time) discounted price of 30$. Best decision I ever made.


I first started playing the game and saw a well played out end-of-the-world cutscene. It didn't seem that original with the whole "may we live to see another day" theme, but I enjoyed it never the less. The game dropped me in as, who I would later find out to be Nicholas Raine, so I quickly left my ark to a beautiful picture-like scene of the wastes. Then I got attacked out of nowhere and almost shouted something to make my mother cry. Dan Hagar saved me though, and I rode to the Hagar Settlement for some quests and supplies. The story could have been done better and the world is rather empty, but I still loved it.


The abilities of Id Tech 5 impressed me a lot, but I found my visuals blurring much of the time and was forced to install the discs to my hardrive, costing me a precious 22 GB. It made performance much better though, and caused the Characters to look nicer as well. The scenery is unbelievably amazing through Id Tech 5, but unless the disk is installed or an HD tv is used then the character models will look rather pale and you can see the cuts in them.


The weapons of RAGE feel strong and satisfying to kill with. My biggest complaint about the guns would be that the Fat Mammas ammunition can kill basically anything in the game, even on the Nightmare Difficulty level, so this takes away the challenge.

I enjoyed the Vehicle Combat aspect of the game, but I didn't enjoy Road Rage as much as I would have enjoyed another 5+ Wasteland Legends or a good old-fashioned Death match game mode. The Wasteland Legends were very enjoyable, but I was left wanting more than the nine they gave me.

The whole crafting interface I thought was very well-done, but I found myself just purchasing all my needed Quick-use items from Coffer or Jani rather than making them myself. I began thinking "If money is so easy to acquire then why doesn't inflation kill the Wasteland?" As it was so easy to go from $100 to $9999 through a simple exploit that didn't make sense. This ruins the purpose of the quick-use items and economy system.

Final Answer[]

Without a doubt RAGE was one of the best experiences I ever had. I've always been able to go back and play it with great enjoyment in reward. I hate how easily exploited it is and how it just wasn't well polished enough to earn the respect of other gamers.

Game play:9



Overall Enjoyment Factor (OEF):9.5

Rating: 8.5/10

Even with its problems RAGE remains one the best games ever, in my book at least, and I have been able to go back and enjoy it five times over and counting.

--Mr.Trollin, 1st classGold trophy 10:48, August 30, 2012 (UTC)
