The Scorchers DLC Achievements/Trophies.[]
So, I'm not sure how to make it look professional like the rest of those achievement/trophies, but I will list how many there are.
Achievements: 10 - Points total 250/ 10 Trophies - 9 Bronze/1 Silver
The Scorchers
Cavernous Stumble 20G/1 Bronze - Complete Hagar Caves in The Schorchers job path.
Plans Refined 25G/1 Bronze - Complete Refinery in The Scorchers job path.
Thrash Canyon 25G/1 Bronze - Complete Bash Canyon in The scorchers job path.
Rite of Passage 25G/1 Bronze - Complete Wellspring Tunnels in The Scorcher job path.
Fired Up! 25G/1 Bronze - Complete Scorcher Base in The Scorcher job path.
Foursome 15G/1 Bronze - Win with Four of a Kind in the Video Poker minigame.
Lucky Charms 15G/1 Bronze - Bet and win Green in the Roly-Poly minigame
Night Terrors 70G/1 Silver - Finish the Campaign on Ultra Nightmare difficulty.
P.S. Like I said, I would do it professionally, but I don't know alot about that, so I will leave it to whoever can do this.
P.P.S Sorry for the clumsy typing, I was searching the internet for some info and images, but google and yahoo had other ideas of there own.
Thanks in advance. Volcannon (talk) 06:51, April 24, 2013 (UTC)