
Rusty Junior is a minor character featured in RAGE 2.



Little is known of Rusty's early life. He is the son of Rusty, the long-time mechanic for the Wellspring Speedway.

Events of RAGE 2[]

In 2165, he is a mechanic providing his services to the people of the Wasteland from his shop in Wellspring.


Characters in RAGE 2
Residents of Dreadwood Iris Farley | Lola Flax | Angus Groovy | Pepper Pox | Rick Trans Am
Residents of Gunbarrel Brucer | Helga Clawhand | Gulo | Wafer-Thin Jim | Nosebleed Kate | John Marshall | Chad Monroe | Patsy | Rory Success | Sol Tevee | Zam Wilco
Residents of Lagooney Jez the Preacher | Jinx | Mama Jo-jo | Mary Blood | Nelly Boomer | Salamandra
Residents of Oasis ATOM HAMMER | DREAD HULK | RED RUIN | SCREAMING DEATH | Shaggy Doe | Jazz Spinner | Erin Zerox
Residents of Wellspring Yin Bon Bon | Wyatt Ferris | Bobba Glass | Loosum Hagar | Mako Kuro | Rusty Junior | Glisten Success
Rangers of Vineland Ali | Grandma Glass | Hurt | Jersey | Erwina Prowley | Walker
Residents of Vineland Lily Prowley | Hector Walker | Nadia Walker
Chazcar Derby
(Torn Plains)
Dag Satan | Miss Lady | Sticko Chew
Bandit clans Goon Squad | Immortal Shrouded | River Hogs