"Obsessive Compulsive" is an Achievement/Trophy in RAGE. This Achievement/Trophy can be earned by reaching 100% completion in the Campaign, doing absolutely everything in the base game.
To complete the achievement, you need to amass 130 points (tracked as the final statistic on the Statistics page), as follows:
- 8 points - 1 for each of your first 8 Job Board quests (other than "Abandoned Distillery").
- The "Clean the Sewers" jobs added to the game in the Wasteland Sewer Missions DLC can count towards this total.
- 1 point for completing the "Abandoned Distillery" quest.
- The point is awarded when you fill the 2nd jug and take it.
- 18 points - 1 for each vehicle jump.
- 54 points - 1 for each collector card.
- 19 points - 1 for each engineering schematic.
- 27 points - 1 for winning each race posted at the Wellspring Speedway or Subway Town Speedway.
- 1 point for winning the Dusty 8 Sponsored Event.
- 1 point (total) for successfully playing all of the minigames included with the standard game.
- Wingstick Mastery.
- Rage Frenzy - Win a hand at any difficulty level.
- Tombstones - Win on any single roll.
- Five Finger Fillet - Win any amount. (OK to cash out after winning 1 round.)
- Strum - Win any amount. (Ok to cash out after winning 1 round.)
- 1 point for finishing the game.
Things that do NOT count toward the 130 points:
- Field Goals.
- Durar's Time Trial - No point for winning the race itself, although winning does award you the "Dune Buster" collector card, which is, of course, worth a point.
- Other non-posted races, such as those against Starky.
- Stanley Express missions.
- Minigames included with any DLC, such as Jackpots or Roly-Poly.
- Missions from The Scorchers DLC.
RAGE All Collectibles Guide *IN ORDER IN DEPTH*
Obsessive Compulsive Achievement/Trophy guide
- On a first playthrough of the standard game (no DLC), there are 91 points to be earned in the Northern Wasteland before leaving for the Eastern Wasteland and Subway Town:
- 6 Job Board quests
- 11 Vehicle Jumps
- 43 Collector Cards
- 14 Schematics
- 17 Races, including 16 posted at the Wellspring Speedway, plus the Dusty 8 Sponsored Event.
- Even so, it's possible to accumulate more than 91 points before leaving the Northern Wasteland:
- 2 additional points for completing additional "Clean the Sewers" Job Board quests in the Wasteland Sewer Missions DLC.
- 2 additional points due to the 2nd-playthrough bug (see below).
- The Minigames point is normally not accessible yet, since you can't play Strum until you get to Subway Town. However, if you have The Scorchers DLC and have completed those missions, you can access Strum in the Trophy Room.
- When the Authority overtakes Subway Town after completing "Power Struggle", Strum is no longer playable in Subway Town. The player can now only play it in the Trophy Room.
- If the players wish to complete as many Achievements/Trophies as possible by the time the game is over, it is recommended that they try it on Nightmare difficulty, although this can be tough. It is much easier than many other games highest difficulty if you play cautiously (and spend some time using the Lock Grinder money trick), use Sentry Bots (and their advanced version when unlocked), and save often.
- If you are at 128/130 at the very end of the game and did everything, try returning to Northern Wasteland and playing Wingstick Mastery again.
- New games started after completing RAGE for the first time begin the counter at 2/130. You can see this count by going to the Statistics page at the first possible moment in the game, as soon as you exit the Ark Chamber and confirm your vertical look settings.
- Since you still end the game with a maximum of 130 points, it's not clear which 2 points later in the game are not awarded.