
"Mutant Alert" is a side quest in RAGE given to the protagonist by Ramos Outrigger in the Outrigger Settlement. It is available after completing the quest "Where's Juno."


People need to be warned about those mutants!
Take this Firework Cluster to the ridge north of here, and shoot it off. I've got a Launcher there, it won't be hard to find. But hurry, we're moving soon. This place is getting too dangerous.
If I see those fireworks, I'll give you what I paid Juno.


  • Important: Be sure to complete this quest before the settlement is closed. Warn the surrounding settlements about the Mutie activity
    • Drive far North to the Ridge by the Ghost Hideout
    • Use the Launcher to shoot the Fireworks Cluster
    • Return to Ramos for payment


2011-10-18 00040

"Mutant Alert" is a simple mission. Drive to the Ghost Hideout in the Ghost Territory first visited during the quest "Quell the Bandit Threat", find the launcher and shoot the fireworks, and fire them. Be prepared, however: after setting it off, you will be attacked by three mutants. To save ammo and, what's more important, advance towards getting the rather tricky Achievement/Trophy "Roadkill", sprint back to your vehicle and run them over. When done, return to Ramos.


  • Important: Be sure to complete this before proceeding to Wellspring (same goes for the Janus Collector Card). The outrigger settlement will be closed off and you will not be able to turn this in. The fireworks will remain in your inventory and the Launcher will still have a use button to activate, but nothing will happen.
  • You might consider attempting the quest right after the "Find the Buggy Parts", since after completing the aforementioned quest you'll find yourself somewhat close to the Ghost Hideout, and with a bandit ATV nearby.
  • Every schematic/recipe gained counts towards getting the Achievement/Trophy "Master Chef".
