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TopicLast EditLast Author
Claim your freebie: We'd like to reward everyone who edited on this wiki for Rage 203:12, 20 July 2019Mira Laime
Another Possible Easter Egg19:01, 20 March 2019111.88.42.206
Rage remake19:31, 9 February 2017107.205.185.40
Come back to catch the Janus Outrigger Card06:46, 6 July 2016108.231.151.115
Can I add Anarchy eddition at this day and age?06:31, 6 July 2016108.231.151.115
Is assault on capitol prime really the last mission?22:11, 7 December 201572.94.90.157
Crash on startup10:34, 28 October 2015124.180.226.243
Stuck in Defibrillator Upgrade quest19:26, 29 July 2015190.106.14.5
Unlock co-op?05:31, 1 December 2013V0DeusEstDominiMei
Tattoo00:22, 18 August 201378.86.63.100
Extended Play19:41, 28 July 2013Kryon78
Lullaby in Subway Town?02:51, 6 June 2013Shadowzxv
Possible Easter Egg02:35, 6 June 2013Shadowzxv
Road kill not acheived09:01, 21 March 201382.26.24.8
Awesome easy money16:26, 6 March 2013201.201.139.217
Made 5400 Dolars with Teague13:05, 24 February 2013Jpviegas
Back to dead city central?07:54, 22 February 201386.4.130.156
New DLC?03:03, 22 February 2013V0DeusEstDominiMei
Car has disappeared??05:44, 13 November 2012Kryon78
Store in Subway Town??01:29, 25 September 201265.31.49.244
I distroyed my ATV help04:40, 23 September 2012V0DeusEstDominiMei
Can you recover hover turrets?09:52, 26 August 2012Rooker75
Admin(AKtrollin)20:15, 3 August 2012V0DeusEstDominiMei
Map with location...19:02, 24 July 2012Naberios25
Help: Stuck in Ghost Clan/Missing Person Mission02:46, 23 May 2012Kryon78
Multiplayer bug? Reset to Level 1!23:05, 30 April 2012Kryon78
Disk sudenly stops23:30, 3 March 2012Kryon78
"Wasted Club" - Locked? Where is entrance?14:16, 23 February 2012Kryon78
Wasteland sewer missions help13:36, 23 February 2012Kryon78
Stuck in dead city04:20, 14 January 2012Kryon78
129 of 130 Obsessive Compulsive11:53, 10 January 2012213.86.114.189
"Dead City" - Bomb car really needed?19:55, 2 January 2012Kryon78
Sewers DLC play now button greyed out21:29, 11 December 2011Kryon78
Admin (kryon78)15:20, 6 December 2011Kryon78
Vandalism Report17:48, 18 November 2011Dr. Clayton Forrestor
Starting a new game19:50, 16 November 201185.225.122.215
Combo Kill?12:34, 8 November 2011149.229.94.160
Bandits Project?06:15, 29 October 2011Valoopy
Mushroom cloud graffiti19:04, 20 October 20112.223.145.54
Rage the Price of Power bug help21:31, 13 October 201189.242.57.2
Welcome to the help desk20:55, 19 March 2009Default