
Listen stranger, if you find any full water bottles in the wasteland, Coffer will pay a premium for 'em. We can't let the Authority control the price of water.
Dallas to Nicholas Raine.

Dallas is minor character featured in RAGE.



Nothing is known of Dallas' early life. He is a resident of Wellspring, and can often be found inside the Second Chance bar.

Events of RAGE[]

In 2135, when Nicholas Raine arrives in Wellspring, he can encounter Dallas inside the Second Chance bar. Dallas can often be found spending his time alongside Jacob and Richard, or sometimes with Aiden while reading a DOOM comic book.

He has no significant interactions with Nicholas.



  • Dallas shares his character model with Austin, Cain, Houston and Jerry, albeit with minor variations.
    • Additionally, he along with Austin and Houston are all named after major cities in the state of Texas. It's possible they may be related.
  • He may frequently be found reading a DOOM comic, referencing another series developed by id Software.
Characters in RAGE
Residents of Hagar Settlement Becky | Dan Hagar | Durar Hagar | Garan | Halek Hagar | Loosum Hagar | Phallinx Hagar
Residents of Outrigger Settlement Janus Outrigger | Johan Outrigger | Juno | Ramos Outrigger | Rikter Outrigger | Rourke
Residents of Wellspring Abbott | Aiden | Austin | Benjamin | Sheriff Black | Caleb | Carlson | Cavendish | Mayor Clayton | Clive | Coffer | Dallas | Dylan | Ginny | Hendrik | Houston | Hunter | Jackie Weeks | Jacob | Jake | Jerry | Kidd | Larkin | Lili | Memmott | Mick | Nelno | Olive | Otto | Pollard | Rajko | Rescoe | Richard | Rusty | Sally LePrine | Serafin | Slim | Solomon | Spector | Stanley | Steward | Theodore | Tuffy | Valder | Warren
Residents of Subway Town Alison | Brick Johnson | Cain | Clint | Destinee | Dietrich | Eddie | Finn | Friday | Gabe | Halden | Hope | Howard | Hudson | Jamie | Jani | Jones | Krug | Mel | Nelson | Norbu | Mayor Redstone | Remus | Roberts | Saul | Sid | Siri | Sparky | Stew | Teague | Vincent | Zak
Northern Wasteland Anton Kvasir | Crazy Joe | Chopper Gray | Curtis | J.K. Stiles | Reaver | Sarah | Steiger
Racing opponents Crash | Daemia | Hauler | Lateus | Minx | Raero | Razerback | Rosshead | Starky | Steele | Striker | Trigger | War-hazard | Wormwood | Xaero
Members of the Authority James Casey | Martin Cross
Members of the Resistance Elizabeth Cadence | Jack Portman | John Marshall | Mark Lassard
Bandit clans Gearheads | Ghosts | Jackal Clan | Scorchers | Shrouded Clan | Wasted Clan