“ | You don't look like a dirty Bandit, so I'll let you look around. Maybe you'll get lucky and find a Night Blossom or something. | „ |
—Crazy Joe to Nicholas Raine. |
Crazy Joe is a minor character featured in RAGE.
Nothing is known of Crazy Joe's early life.
Events of RAGE[]
In 2135, Crazy lives alone in a remote shack near the swamp in the Northern Wasteland. He wears a helmet resembling a giant fly's head and is extremely afraid of mutants. Upon interacting with him, he will tell Nicholas Raine that there are some unique post-impact plants growing in the Swamp and the crater which have unusual effects.
Notable quotes[]
“ | Looking for ol' Joe? Oh, I bet not. I ain't got nothing no one wants anyways, but growing around my swamp, that's got what people want, plant life. Not just thorny cacti either, special plants. Stuff that started growing after the dust settled from the big bang, outer space plants or mutated plants. Who cares?! But in the right hands, well, these plants can be used for all kinds of special things, valuable things too. | „ |
—Crazy Joe greeting Nicholas Raine. |
“ | Don't go falling in the swamp! | „ |
—Crazy Joe to Nicholas Raine. |
- He was voiced by Geoff Pierson.
- Crazy Joe wears a shirt emblazoned with the logo of DOOM 3, another title developed by id Software.
- His radio appears to be tuned to some other station than the Wasteland Radio heard throughout the wasteland, as it plays Home on the Range, though repeating only one verse.